"The NPCC Annual Parade is held annually. This year's Parade will be held to commemorate NPCC's 50th year. The Gold Award Winners for the Unit Overall Proficiency Award 2008 together with all the other NPCC units will field the marching contingents for the NPCC Annual Parade 2009."
Take a lookie at Dr Ng Eng Hien's speech, Minister of Education and Second Minister of Defence who came to the NPAP in the Home Team Academy.
"At this jubilee anniversary, NPCC can stand proud of its achievements and progress as the largest school uniformed group in Singapore with 155 school units and more than 20,000 members.
Enough talking. More Pictures.
- Guard Of Honor and Supporting Contigents -
Last post for 2 weeks. Mugging for SA1. Study HARD peeps! =D
Life goes on.